Our news

Un Bateau à Paris - Private cruise on the Seine River

Un Bateau à Paris at the Olympic Games

Un Bateau à Paris at the Olympic Games Exciting news for sports fans and Paris enthusiasts alike!The Senang will take part...

Private cruises on the Seine: back on March 15

Private cruises on the Seine resume on March 15 with Un Bateau à Paris

We are delighted to...
Histoire des Bateaux Mouches de Paris

History of Bateaux Mouches de Paris

Discover the captivating history of Paris's Bateaux-Mouches

Immerse yourself in the fascinating past of Paris and its famous...
Un Bateau à Paris aux Jeux Olympiques

Un Bateau à Paris at the Olympic Games

Un Bateau à Paris

at the Olympic Games Exciting news for sports fans and Paris enthusiasts alike!The Senang...

Treat yourself to a private cruise on the Seine

Un Bateau à Paris

Private cruises on the Seine River